Sunday, 21 November 2010

Newspaper Analysis - The Metro

Newspaper Analysis

In this task I will be analysing the Metro. This is a free paper which is distributed daily on public transport from Monday to Friday. It is distributed throughout Britain in various cities. The Metro requires funding , this is generated primarily through advertisement.

Below is my analysis of the newspaper.


Newspaper Analysis - The Daily Post

Newspaper Analysis

In this task I will be analysing The Daily Post. It is a local newspaper distributed and delivered in the Merseyside area. It is published Monday to Friday. There are two editions released daily, the early edition is called the Main, Where as the late edition is called Main Extra.

Below is my analysis of the newspaper.


Newspaper Analysis - The Liverpool Echo

Newspaper Analysis

In this task I will be analysing The Liverpool Echo. It is a local newspaper distributed and delivered in the Merseyside area. It is published Monday to Sunday. There are two editions released daily, the early edition is called the Main, Where as the late edition is called Main Extra.

Below is my analysis of the newspaper.

Front Page.

Front Page Advertisement.

First Page.